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Top 5 E-commerce Business Myths

By Factory4me Team

  • eCommerce business myths

You need to invest a lot before starting to run a business
Usually, online stores require heavy financial investments to develop, manufacture, and stock inventory. But with dropshipping you don’t have to worry about anything like that. This means you can save quite a lot of money!

Difficult to increase product variety
There are no limitations of space and overhead costs with dropshipping. You can offer your customers a vast choice of products. Just follow trends and expand your range in no time. It will help to increase sales.

You need to have a warehouse with a lot of space to store products
“Owing a shop requires so much space to store supplies, shipment tools, and products.” Now you can forget about it for good. Our dropshipping services are the solution to this problem. We store your products in our warehouses.


You have to spend a lot of time on inventory
“Not only do you need space, but you also need to keep track of inventory and maintain its quality.” This is no longer the case.
We offer you to get rid of these responsibilities. We do it ourselves with great care.

There is a high risk
When holding on to inventory, there is a lot of pressure for a retailer. Unsold products mean lost money. The pressure of this risk can cause delays in updating the online store and changing inventory. With dropshipping, the risk factor is eliminated. You only pay for what you sell.

All in all, dropshipping ruins all the common eCommerce myths giving your business the opportunity to grow rapidly. Start selling easily with Factory4me!